Video Marketing Plan 4/21

April 22, 2010 sew0927

1) My purpose is to show the different reasons girls go through sorority rush at Miami as well as showing reasons girls don’t go through it.  I include my own experience and some background on Greek life at Miami University.  My intended audience is anyone that wants to know about sorority life at Miami or an incoming freshman that is considering rushing.

2) I targeted this specific audience because they would relate to this video the most.  My video is mainly about sorority rush, so targeting men would not be a good idea.  I also want it to be a broad audience because anyone could benefit, even if they attended Miami a long time ago and want to see what progress Greek life has made since they left.

3) Three places other than Youtube that I will circulate my video is on Facebook, Attached in emails to friends, and printed out on CDs for people without access to the internet to watch.

4) I will get access to post my video on my facebook because I already have a facebook account.  I will upload it to my facebook account. I will obtain the email addresses of my family and friends and friends of their friends that might be interested in watching this movie.  I will also obtain addresses to mail the cds to them or physically hand them to people that might be interested in watching the video.

5) Once my video is published on youtube, people might decide to make fun of sorority life by doing the same outline of it but making fun of sororities.  I’m willing to take that criticism. I can re-circulate this by telling people to forward it to others, tag them in my video, etc.

6) I honestly haven’t thought about including a disclaimer statement at the beginning of my video.  I think maybe I should consider that.  I’m not quite sure what I would say though.

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