Video Reflection Log #2 4/8

April 8, 2010 sew0927

1) I really haven’t done that much with my video to be honest this week…it’s so hard to know where to start.  The class periods are realllllly helpful though, especially Tuesdays.  I never really knew how to use imovie before but now that I learned, I feel alot more confident about it.  I’m still not quite sure how to get videos off the internet into my movie but I plan to ask that tomorrow. I’m still really nervous and don’t kno where to start and how to organize my video, but I have visions of it coming together.

2)The distribution I think will be the hardest part.  I’m trying to figure out how to set up my video and how to distribute it to my audience. The other big thing is interaction.  I’m not sure what emotions I want to gain from the audience. The economics of the project worry me too. I’m not exactly sure if putting pictures on my video are copyrighting if I’m the one that took them.  Do i still have to get consent from the people in the pictures?

3)  I’ve started to think about how I want to set up my video.  I will start the video by explaining what rush and sororities are.  Then I will talk about my own rush experience and the excitement I felt, I will include pictures of me and my sorority sisters on bid day.  Then I will show pictures and explain the events we’ve done as a pledge class and show a video of poth.  Then I will start to talk about how people feel that dont rush or dont get the bid they want from the sorority they want.  I will then insert statistics of dissapointed girls, along with the number of happy girls. Other statistics like amount of girls that rush, etc. I THEN will add videos of interviews of people that didn’t rush and are happy about it and why, girls that did rush and are happy with their bids, and possibly girls that did rush and didn’t get the ones they wanted.  This might be too touchy a subject with them so I might have the non rushees that are happy about that talk about the girls that are reallly disappointed. I will end my video explaining why I rushed, why other girls rush, why some don’t, and why the Greek culture is so prevalent at Miami.

4) Regarding the movie, i still feel overwhelmed.  At least I have a game plan now but I still dont kno exactly what I want to do or how to get it all done in time.  I think the first step is coming up with a script and just start plugging along.  I’ve picked out some pictures that i want to use and I have ideas of who I want to interview. I need to find out copyrighting stuff about using pictures from online and how to get my poth video to upload into imovie. I’m excited though for this project.  I think it will turn out really cool in the end.

5) The resources I’m going to draw/pull from this week are the internet to find statistics of miami sorority girls.  I also will start making my interviews so I can upload them into imovie.  I think the most important thing will be to start making my script.

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