Inquiry 3 prospectus and 4/6 blog prompt

April 5, 2010 sew0927


1) My video topic is about sororities on the Miami Campus

2) My level 3 inquiry question is “why is sorority rush so prevalent here at Miami?” this is level three because it isn’t something you can just research in a book and find the answer.  It relies on human opinion and can go many different ways.

3) I will make my video rhetorical by using different ideas throughout the video.  I will provide pictures and background about Chi Omega, have interviews of girls in sororities as well as not in sororities, and talk in the background.  I will also include information I find in the library or online to enhance my knowledge of this subject.  Hopefully I’ll figure out a way to use cool colors and effects in the video.

Blog Prompt

My video’s purpose is to make it known to Miami students and even other students that attend different colleges in the country to explain to them why the Greek system is so strong here at Miami.  My audience is mainly other students, as well as any other people that find this topic interesting.

I want my audience to be college students mainly but they will have to have access to a computer to view my video. However, I think the idea of putting it on a dvd for them to see would be effective too. I need to get the word out to people so they will want to view my video.  I’m still trying to come up with ideas of how I want to set up my video but I think it will turn out really well! I’m excited!

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